Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Find Out Which Is The Gemstone You Should Definitely Buy

Gemstones are earth’s way of saying “I love you in spite of what you do to me.”

It is not just earth we are harming by exploiting the resources at an alarming rate, it is our future, too.
But, our mother earth has never said no to us and still surprises us with gifts in the form of beautiful
gemstones. The man has been discovering gemstones for centuries but all of them are still not
discovered, yet. One of the newest gemstones was only discovered in the early 1900s but
gemologists believe that it is not the end of it and there are more gemstones to be discovered.
That is a good news, right? More and more colorful gemstones and crystals that you can wear.
But, which gemstone out of them all is the greatest gem? Which gemstone does things others
can’t and is also easily affordable because mother earth doesn’t differentiate between the rich and
the poor?
There is a gemstone that has all the qualities that are required to make a gemstone perfect and it is
called moonstone. All the great qualities that should be in a gemstone are present in it. Its incredible
blue sheen is something to die for and its healing qualities are just something else, completely out of
this world. It is the gemstone of moon gods, of the shamans, of the monks, and of anyone in love with
the divine moon. There are so many stories about the moonstone that you will have to stay up all
night to read all of them. Some believe that it was created on earth when the moon’s beams fell on
the land and hardened to form moonstone while others believe that it is a part of the moon itself. It is
also considered as a good luck charm in many religions and is also called the travelers stone because
it provides protection to travelers away from home. All these qualities are what make moonstone so
special. Read on to find out why it is the perfect gemstone.


When buying a gemstone, the first thing you need to look at is your pocket, and the perfect gem
would be the one that is affordable for everyone. This is the reason moonstone is right up there
above all the other gemstones because, at that price, it is a steal, given its qualities. There are other
gemstones too in the same price bracket, but moonstone brings the most to the table at this price,
which you will see in the further points. Nonetheless, if the appearance of some other gemstone
attracts you more, then it will obviously be your choice no matter how perfect moonstone is.


The great thing about moonstone is that it is a white colored gemstone that reflects light in an array of
different hues of blue, purple, indigo, yellow, and many other colors to some extent. Most other
gemstones will have a color of their own but the reflection will not be as magical and mesmerizing as
it looks on a moonstone. This is the reason moonstone is usually cut in ‘en cabochon. style. This
displays the unparalleled sheen on the moonstone under light at it’s best. Another reason moonstone’s
appearance is famous all around the world is that it can be worn with anything. The design of the
jewelry and the shape and size of the moonstone will determine where it can be worn. In an elegant
setting, it can even be used in a wedding ring while a big moonstone combined with some oxidized
silver can make the perfect gypsy jewelry.

Mystical Qualities

So, moonstone looks good, it is also not very expensive, but what else? What is so special about it?
As we discussed earlier, there are so many magical properties of moonstone that make it so special
that it has become the perfect gemstone. Not only it is an amulet and a talisman, but it is also a great
gemstone for women in particular. It motherly protective tendencies make it the best friend of a
woman because it can help them in many ways. Wearing a moonstone as a woman will make you
bring out your hidden side full of emotions which makes expressing feelings better. This quality is
great for relationships as expressing your feelings is really necessary to maintain the bond. No matter
how far you are from your loved ones, a moonstone with you and with them will keep the connection
strong, always.

Physical Healing Qualities

Women can also benefit from moonstone physically as it is known to reduce the pain from period
cramps, pregnancy, postpartum depression, and many things under reproductive health. It’s a natural
healer with the moon’s blessings. It helps, not just women, but anyone else in one or the other way.
For example, it is great for children too, because it is known to improve retention power and aids in the
proper growth of the organs, too. For elderly, it slows down the process of aging by preventing organs
from degenerating at a fast rate. For all the wearers, moonstone is said to help with diseases related
to digestion by assimilating the nutrients and eliminating toxins. Another great advantage of moonstone
is that it helps in treating insomnia and inducing good dreams. It is just a great gemstone to wear that
makes you feel great in ways you could not have imagined.

All these qualities make moonstone a uniquely stunning gemstone and that is why it is termed as the
perfect gemstone or the ‘phenomenal gem’ in Feng Shui. It has the power and the authority of the
moon with a subtle celestial charm that will make anyone fall in love with it.